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This function applies background colors to rows based on tier levels and bolds the tier column in a gt table. It iterates over the specified levels and applies the corresponding colors to the rows that match each tier. The text color for the tier column is determined using gt:::ideal_fgnd_color for better contrast.


gt_tiers(gt_object, levels, colors, style = "dark", img_height = "55px")



A gt table object to modify.


A character vector specifying the tier levels. These should match the factor levels in the tier column of the table.


A character vector of hex color codes corresponding to the tier levels. The length of colors must match the length of levels.


Returns a modified gt table with tier-based background colors and bold text applied.


The function applies background colors based on the levels vector to the rows where the tier column matches the level. It also bolds the text in the tier column for clearer differentiation and uses gt:::ideal_fgnd_color to determine the appropriate text color for the background.